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Configuring a MySQL Database

  1. Login to your account at
  2. MySQL IconClick on the “MySQL Databases” Icon
  3. To create a new database, enter a database name in the new database input. Example: “blog”. Once you confirm the name, your hosting login name is prefixed to your database name. EX: bob_blog. Use this name to configure your software.
  4. Next, a user needs to be added to the database. Enter a user name and password for the database. EX: “bob”. Again, the final name has your hosting–login–name attached to the name. EX: bob_bob.
  5. Under the heading “Add Users to Your Database,” select your user and permissions (typically “All” is needed), then click “Add User to Database”.
  6. That’s it!

Note: The document root of your site is /home/domainname/public_html